Defending Those Accused of Parole Violations in Connecticut
Within the criminal justice system, probation and parole violations are resolved based on the evidence provided, not on proving your case beyond a reasonable doubt. Having an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side is essential to protect your rights and freedom.
If you run the risk of being accused of violating your parole or probation, you can contact the law office of Paoletti & Gusmano, Attorneys at Law. Our experienced criminal defense attorneys defend those accused of probation violation and parole violation, including cases where violations include a new arrest. We work diligently to eliminate or reduce your charges and minimize the penalties you face.
Minimizing Penalties With Aggressive Defense
It doesn’t matter how long you have been on parole or probation נif you are caught violating your terms, you could serve additional jail time and other punishments. If you are re-arrested for a similar or new offense, you could also face new punishments applicable to that offense.
The state has a range of options for dealing with parole and probation violations. Depending on the circumstances of your violations, you could receive:
- A verbal warning
- Increased supervision
- Placement in an intensive supervision
- Placement in an electronically monitored home confinement program
- Arrest, sentence of imprisonment and/or fines
If you are seen as a threat to public safety or have committed additional crimes, you could go back to prison for your original offense as well as go to trial for any new crimes committed.
When you work with our firm, we serve as your advocate before the state. Drawing on their extensive trial experience, our lawyers seek to minimize the penalties you may face. We examine all evidence against you, including police reports and witness statements, and work diligently to protect your rights and freedom.
Protect Your Rights and Freedom
What you do next can have serious impact on the outcomes of your case. Contact us to discuss your concerns in a free initial consultation. Our attorneys have more than 50 years of combined experience in criminal law. Call now: 203-371-1000.