Man charged with DUI on way to treatment
In the state of Connecticut, drunk driving allegations are serious charges that can result in a suspended driver’s license, court mandated substance abuse counseling and even the possibility of jail time. When a person is charged with a DUI, it is important for all of the events surrounding the incident to be taken into consideration.
A Connecticut man is being charged with drunk driving after allegedly crashing into a parked car in the parking lot of Middlesex Hospital. The 48-year-old man was reportedly going to the hospital to check himself in to detox from alcohol. According to reports, a witness to the alleged accident confronted the 48-year-old, who later told police he had no memory of hitting the car.
The responding officer reportedly asked the man if he had been drinking prior to the accident, and the man said that he “had a few” earlier that day. He was given a blood-alcohol test at the police station later, and the test reportedly showed blood alcohol levels of .270 and .247, four times Connecticut’s legal limit of .08. The man was arrested on June 10 and was set to appear in court on June 11. Bail was set at $500.
Charges of drunk driving often center around the results of a blood alcohol test, but even results that show a significantly higher level than that allowed by Connecticut law while driving may be able to be challenged, depending on how the test was conducted and whether or not the results are valid. Whether a defendant was properly advised of his or her Miranda rights before questioning can also be an important factor in how a drunk driving defense is approached.
Source: FOX CT, “On His Way To Detox, Moodus Man Gets DUI” David Owens, Jun. 11, 2014